Friday, June 13, 2008

survey stoled form jaja :D

A fact about the person you like?:
- okay2 je :D

What happened at 10:00 am today?:
-tidooooo :D

When did you last cry?:

What do you want in your life right now?:
- i want to study.

Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?:
- noooo.

Something you just don't understand?:
- algebra! fuck gle susah!

What is the last thing someone bought you?:
- t-shirt

Who do you want to kiss right now?:
- a hottie :P

Where did you last eat?:
- home?

Name someone whose name starts with the letter "A”:
- Atiqah? :D

Will you ever kiss the last person you kissed again?:
- noooooo

What were you doing at 8:30pm last Friday night?:
- sitting on my chair. STUDYING.

What are you thinking right now?:
- i want a new phone.

What did you do today?:
- xtau lg.

Do you have a job?:
- bajet rockstar? HAHHA!

What are you doing right now besides this survey?:
- dotaing, mssging, msn-ing, myspacing.

What are your plans tomorrow?:
- duk rumah. study.

Who took your profile picture?:
- aiman!

Exactly where did you get the clothes you're wearing right now?:
- topman man man

What is your current problem?:
- my result

Last time you spoke to someone you like?:
- 2 days ago :D

Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?:
- yeah! kcau carlz jr!

Who was the last person you saw?:
- my sistahhh!

Where did you last go?:
- my room.

Who was the last person you yelled at?:
- alex. srry :p

Are you wanting something that you can't have?:
- ye kot. tah

What time did you wake up to this morning?:
- 9 .38 a.m

Who were you with last night?:
- familyku yg tercinta.

Do you know anyone named Peter?:
- yeah. muhd peter. he's my friend. :D

Who is your last phone call with?:
- farhana? :D

What's the last thing you said?:
- 'i feel insane' almost easy.

How's life?:
- dh happy dh skang :D

Have you ever thrown up?:
- duhhhh

Do you love anyone who's name starts with an S?:
- Syaza? :p

Are you happy?:
- no.

Are you excited about anything?
- no.

What makes you happy in life?:
- bestfriends.

What were you doing at 3 in the morning?:
- workout HAHA!

Do you have any text messages saved on your phone?:
- no.

Do you enjoy life?:
- sangat.

Would you take a bullet for anyone?:
- depends on who.

What are you listening to?:
- waking the demon-bullet for my valentine.

Do you like it?:
- ok2 la

Have you ever took medicine that wasn't prescribed to you?:
- tah

Are you surprised about something?:
- im getting taller? kot ahha!

Is there anyone who doesn't like you?:
- x ksh ponnn

Do you feel bad because someone doesn't like you?:
- tahlaaa

Do you like anyone?:
- heeeee :D

What's the worst thing about hugs?:
- stim? HAHAHHA!

Did you talk to anyone random today?:
- nnti kot

Did any particular thing brighten up your day yesterday?:
- my mom saw me studying yesterday :D

What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?:
- my mom caught me mkn mse puasa hahahha!

When was the last time you went ice skating?:
- x pnh. :P

Describe the perfect girlfriend/boyfriend in 1 word:
- hottie2 :D

Who was the last person you hugged?:
- can recall.

What was the last thing that really made you smile?:
- spanking with yudesh haha!

Someone trips in front of you-what do you do?:
- help him/her up? ceyyyy!

Have you ever failed a class?:
- byk kali. :(

A person says they like you-you say:
- thanx? -_-

Do you like cuddling?:
- tgk spela :P

Are you close with your grandparents?:
- noooooo

Do you go hunting?:
- mcm best je. nakk pg!

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